Tasmanie, nous voilà...
Cataract Gorge |
Following a failed attempt at taking the boat, we flew to Launceston on Tuesday afternoon. However we'd booked a campsite in Devonport, where most of the harvesting jobs seem to be. It turned out to be less expensive to rent a car than take the bus there, so that's what we did, taking along another french couple we met in the plane. This allowed us to stop by the Cataract Gorge in Launceston that evening, get to Devonport via the country road, and the next day to drive the scenic coastal road all the way to The Nut, an amazing flat moutain rising from the sea NW of Tasmania. That evening, after many unsuccessful phonecalls to local farms, we met Eric, another Frenchman on the campground, who's been working here for several months already. The next day he took us (he's got a car! ;-) to his recruitment agency, and to the center of town (other side of the river, a long walk or costing ferry ride).
After strolling along the beautiful rugged coastline and trying out the public fitness equipment (!), we walked home, and on Friday morning, we got a call from the agency saying we could start working on the next Tuesday. So instead of waiting here doing nothing, we decided to go discover the island!
The Nut |
La muscu partout! |
Well, despite what we'd been told ("don't hitch-hike here, nobody will ever pick you up"), we've just come back from an awesome 4-day hitch-hiking trip along the East Coast. Directly after sticking our thumbs up on Friday morning, we got lifts all the way down to Coles' bay. At one point, a guy going in the other direction even stopped, and came up to us asking if we were looking for some fruitpicking jobs!! The last ride was also a great one, because they invited us over to their home to spend the night, as the national park and caravan park campgrounds at destination were full. And it's been like that all along!! A Japanese businessman saved our evening by picking us up in the middle of nowhere just before dark, a crazy family touring the coast in a bus offered us Champagne and took us to a local brewery,
and a recently immigrated Fin took us with his two kids on a great day trip! Thanks to all those great people, and the other kind lifts we got, we hiked down to Wineglass Bay (wallabies everywhere!) and swam in the Tasman Sea, we saw adorable penguins coming back to the rookery, we walked along the beautiful Bay of Fires (named after the fires set by Aborigenes that the first settlers witnessed), we saw the impressive St Columba falls (and the local mascot swine drinking a beer), we tasted delicious cheese (OK, cheddar...).Donc, en dépit de ce qui nous avait été dit ("n'y faites pas de stop, ça marchera pas"), nous revenons à peine d'un génial trip de 4 jours en stop le long de la Côte Est. A peine avions-nous levé notre pouce vendredi matin que nous étions pris, et nous avons enchainé jusqu'à Coles' bay. A un moment, un mec qui arrivait dans l'autre sens s'est même arrêté pour venir nous demander si on cherchait pas du travail!! Notre dernier trajet était aussi mémorable, parce que le couple qui conduisait nous a carrément invité à passer la nuit chez eux, vu que les campings du bled et du parc national voisin étaient complets ou hors de prix. Et ça a été comme ça tout du long!! Un businessman japonais a sauvé notre soirée en nous ramassant au milieu de nulle part à la tombée de la nuit, une famille de doux dingues qui faisaient un tour de la côte en bus nous ont offert du Champagne et nous amenés à une brasserie locale, et un Finlandais récemment immigré nous a balladés pour la journée en compagnie de ses 2 enfants!
Grâce à ces gens admirables, et à tous les autres, on a pu randonner jusqu'à la Wineglass Bay (des wallabies partout!!) et se baigner dans la mer de Tasman, on a vu d'adorables pingouins rentrer au nid, on a marché le long de la superbe Bay of Fires (ainsi nommée en raison des feux allumés par les Aborigènes lorsque les 1ers colons sont arrivés), nous avons admiré les chutes de St Columba (et le porc-mascotte locale se descendre une binouse), nous avons goûté du délicieux fromage (bon, OK, du cheddar...).
Bay of Fires |
La Tasmanie est magnifique, et ses habitants si gentils!! Mais chut, c'est un secret bien gardé...